
SIGMIA Trading International is engineering and sales Company. Their activities are concentrated on engineering, selling pumps and valves for technologies as well as direct sales of pumps and valves to customers.

Nearly half of business is directed for export (South-East Asia - Australia, Singapore, Japan, Malaysia; Europe - Italy, Germany, Croatia, Near and Middle East - Bahrain, Egypt) Company is also importing pumps and valves for Czech market and re-export (Ebara, Sulzer, SIHI, Rovatti, Kenflo).

For pumps and valves Sigmia has guaranteed after-sales service.

Sigma´s important business partners from abroad are DMW and Moritani Japan, Rovatti Italy, Hajar Trading - Bahrain, Asiatic Engineering - Singapore, SET Engineering - Croatia and others.











SIGMIA Trading International s.r.o.
| Tø. Kosmonautù 1085 / 6 , 772 00| OLOMOUC | CZECH REPUBLIC |